CAN I INVITE SOMEONE ELSE: Yes. Once you have been invited to Montemar, you can invite others to Montemar. Please make sure they are cool and respectful guys. Please let me know if you invite someone not on the list so I can get them in our spreadsheets. We will not accept payment from players who haven’t been “officially invited.”

WHO WILL I PLAY WITH: Saturday and Sunday you will play with your preferred partners - JUST LET ME KNOW WHO THEY ARE. We will have a draft after our first round to determine pairings for Monday's round. If you need to be paired with others for Friday and Sunday let me know and I’ll take care of it.

DO WE KEEP SCORE: There will be tons of games within our rounds, all given a point value, many with separate prizes of their own. All stats are kept in the archives and we have a life-long leaderboard and record book (I'll send this tomorrow)

WHEN ARE PAYMENTS AFTER THE DEPOSIT DUE: We will have a second payment of $200 that can be paid as early as today up until January 25th and a final payment of $299 or $339 (if not staying at Casino) that can be paid as early as now up until April 5th. Payment schedule with associated points is attached.

Can I pay the entire amount early: Yes, you high rollers can pay the full $699, or $739 if not staying at the casino, anytime.. I'm only doing three payments this year so people who can't pay it all at once can still get all the points. Paying early assures you get max payment points.

DO I HAVE TO BE GOOD AT GOLF: Most of us suck! This thing is for the fun and the memories. We only ask that you understand basic etiquette and pace of play.

WHAT IF I CAN’T PLAY THIS YEAR BUT WANT TO PLAY IN THE FUTURE: This tournament will be very hard to get into after this year. I don't think we will go bigger than this one, likely smaller. Returners will always have first dibbs. We'll keep you on the list but highly suggest getting on board now.

WHAT ARE THE PRIZES: The overall winner gets the Corduroy Jacket for the year. In addition, we do all our prizes by member donation. Last year we had range finders, free rounds of golf, lots of gift cards, a cabin stay donated, great golf photos, clothing, hats, money, and a number of other items. If you have anything you’d like to donate for a prize please let me know.

ADDITIONAL QUESTIONS: Feel free to reach out to me.